Bernie Mshana

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Coming as I am - in my Crocs of course

If you’ve known me long enough, you know I bring my full self to everything! Like I don’t hold back my passion, I don’t downplay my extremities, I don’t lower the volume of my laughter. I COME AS I AM! 

But ever since my mommy fell sick, all the way up to her passing, I have been really hesitant to show up on the blog or anywhere else online really. Mostly because my thoughts and days are coloured with sadnesses I can’t describe. And I wasn’t sure if talking about that will resonate or fit into this persona I have created for you, my friend. This blog (my online presence as a whole really) has been filled with positivities, adventure and sweet chai-s from across cities; how does one fit nights of crying herself to sleep in between those? The truth is, one can’t! Unless they're willing to show up as they truly are. And I feel like I am now ready to! So get ready for a more raw version of me on this blog… and I am talking as raw as admitting that the only shoes I’ve worn for weeks have been these Crocs because I am barely getting out of the house.

Well technically, I’ve been wearing them out of the house too! 🙈🙉😄 Listen, if the shoe fits and this one does! Putting these babies on makes me feel hugged and cheered up 😂. I honestly can’t tell if it’s the colour or the comfort, all I know is that they make me feel a little more myself and let me COME AS I AM! - I digress but honestly you need to get yourself a pair. 

So, what was I saying before? Oh yeah, a raw Bernie! I wanna tell you about how crazy it’s been moving back to Dar after years away and not just how many tea shops I’ve found. I wanna tell you about how tough it’s been to reconcile having a $70k a year degree but being paid less than $500 -I know, such a joke. I wanna share the rough cuts 😂 the behind the scenes of the fun Karaoke nights and beach trips. I wanna come to you AS I AM -in my Crocs of course- and I hope that you’ll keep reading and keep growing with me. I wanna say more but I feel like we have time so, catch you on the next post? 

😘 Much love,

~ Bernie