For a home alone work day
what to wear when you are trying to be productive at home
When I am home alone I dress up. I know it sounds totally insane, because when you are home alone your lazy bone kicks in (at least mine does) and all you want to do is lay down, watch TV and eat whatever you can pull from the fridge. To counter that urge to be a couch potato, I usually opt for a cold shower as soon as I wake up, some clean clothes that aren't my pyjamas, and a minimal face beat.
Although it doesn't seem like much, this little pampering literally kickstarts my day and I am able to have a more productive afternoon. What I wear often determines how productive I am going to be. So, this particular afternoon, because I was working on a lot of summer internship applications, I chose this pair of khaki slacks which I got as a gift (I am sure they were from a store in South Africa) and this plain black top I picked up from Marshals. I am not sure if the shirt is still in stock but any basic black tee would do.
The pants are incredibly comfortable and the shirt is so fitting it makes me feel I have my sh** together. If I were going out, I would have paired the outfit with these woven sandals that I picked up from a thrift shop in Dar es Salaam. They are the most comfortable shoes I own and they are perfect for showing of your nicely done pedicure. They are also perfect for the wet and mud ridden roads that exist in my hood.
This is how I manage to be productive when I am home alone. I am curious to know how you manage to stay productive on days like these so, feel free to comment with your own home alone routine. XOXO