Crossing the line between content curating and creating
mission & purpose Bernie Mshana mission & purpose Bernie Mshana

Crossing the line between content curating and creating

Ever since I started writing blog posts on this website as opposed to my old site, Have Words We'll Travel, I have been border lining content curating; what I have defined as simply piecing together things to make content.

You see, the writing that I do here is a little different (well a lot different actually) from how I used to write. My old site used to be about two things, my creative writing and my photography. Since the blog was about my work, I tried to actively remove myself from it.

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hello beatiful!

I’m Bernie..and I’m a clothes making, clean eating, intentional living, globetrotting, chai drinking Afrikan Womxn. A marketing professional by day, and a lifestyle blogger by night -I practically live on the interwebs! Here, I share and hope to inspire an intentional, conscious and sustainable African life…read more about me


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