What does Black Panther have to do with me? I'm Tanzanian!
musings & reflections Bernie Mshana musings & reflections Bernie Mshana

What does Black Panther have to do with me? I'm Tanzanian!

When I heard that Marvel was creating Black Panther, a movie with an all black (except two) cast and is supposedly set in an African context, I rolled my eyes so much and awaited a horrible Lion King type of madness. Because I am not a movie fanatic, I didn't even bother to go deep into researching what the movie and "Black Panther" is all about anyway. This Friday, my friends insisted I go watch it with them. Since I had heard the movie is a big deal and FOMO is a real thing, I bought a ticket -for D-Box seat even- for the movie. Thank heavens I did! 

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Wakati album launch at Goethe Institute
tea & travel Bernie Mshana tea & travel Bernie Mshana

Wakati album launch at Goethe Institute

Isack Abeneko, a friend and a very talented young artist from Nafasi Art Space, launched his album titled WAKATI at the Goethe Institute in Dar es Salaam yesterday. If you enjoy live music and were not there last night then sister, girlfriend, you absolutely missed out! Isack is one of the most amazing performers I have ever seen. He is so lively! You can really tell he is passionate about music in the way he performs. 

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hello beatiful!

I’m Bernie..and I’m a clothes making, clean eating, intentional living, globetrotting, chai drinking Afrikan Womxn. A marketing professional by day, and a lifestyle blogger by night -I practically live on the interwebs! Here, I share and hope to inspire an intentional, conscious and sustainable African life…read more about me


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