Battling with anxiety and depression in your 20s
health & wellness Bernie Mshana health & wellness Bernie Mshana

Battling with anxiety and depression in your 20s

To my family if you are reading this, please do not freak out, I promise I am fine, alive and breathing.

It’s been almost two years since I first self-diagnosed depression, yet, I am still healing. I have fallen in and out of depression since then, but I have also become better at helping myself heal. Though I am going through yet another rough patch, I thought I should still share my self-care methods with you. 

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How I feel about self-preservation
health & wellness Bernie Mshana health & wellness Bernie Mshana

How I feel about self-preservation

Some muesli in low-fat plain yoghurt and coconut sugar later I reflect on how I've been feeling about self-care in the past two weeks.

Context: The past week had about 5 assignments and 2 of them were major assignments. In simple terms, hella hectic. For those of you who can relate to college madness to that level, you understand how stressful weeks like these can be. 

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Home missing
health & wellness Bernie Mshana health & wellness Bernie Mshana

Home missing

By the time you are reading this, I must be on the plane to Cape Town already. I am moving. Again! I am not complaining... how can I? I chose this. However, that doesn't make it any less painful. Moving is scary and very unsettling, especially when you are moving from places you love. I love home and I love being home. The more I go the more I long to come back. I am telling myself, "it’s gonna be okay Bernie, you have done this before...6 times". Yet, I am here tearing up. I guess you just never get used to leaving. 

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hello beatiful!

I’m Bernie..and I’m a clothes making, clean eating, intentional living, globetrotting, chai drinking Afrikan Womxn. A marketing professional by day, and a lifestyle blogger by night -I practically live on the interwebs! Here, I share and hope to inspire an intentional, conscious and sustainable African life…read more about me


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